
Home / Oregano


Oregano belongs to the Labiatae family like spearmint and rosemary; it is native to Mediterranean countries. It grows wild in dry places, even on mountains. It is cultivated as an aromatic plant and for therapeutic use. It is harvested two or three times a year during summer. The most common varieties – the Origanum vulgare and Origanum onites – are widespread in Turkey.

Our offer includes:
Sundried oregano leaves and powder, originally from Turkey botanically pure

Oregano grades are obtained by using oregano qualities collected from different regions and which have different levels of steam volatile oil, odour, colour and bulk density. Likewise, cultivated and wild oregano have different characteristics. The most preferred blend qualities are:

Regular type which is green with its 1% svo and has a strong aroma
Minimum 1,5 % svo pure botanical
Minimum 2% svo pure botanical
Minimum 2,5 % svo pure botanical
Minimum 3% svo pure botanical
Ground, fines and tailor made oregano qualities are also available.

The packaging is usually made in 10kg. (preferred in Europe) or 20lb. Kraft bags (preferred in USA) but can be also modified.