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We are fully equipped for processing raw materials, equipments are improved with better technology to increase quality levels and solutions are tailor-made to industry’s need. We continue to expand and modernize the production lines using the state-of-the-art-technology available to ensure flawless execution.

Herbs cutting stage:

The line of cleaning and cutting herbs is designed for oregano and sage. The cutting system allows the precise fragmentation of the leaves into pieces of a few millimeters up to more than 1 cm.
• Air Separation System, Ventilation and Extraction, designed to remove light contaminants from the product (typically straw, grass, but also plastic filaments and hair), dust and heavy contaminants (stones, glass, metal, twigs and wood sticks);
• Oscillating sieves, differently located along the processing line, to calibrate the product and remove foreign bodies;
• Removal of Sticks and stems system, to remove any plant part different from leaf and/or crushed flower;
• Gaudsmit permanent magnet, placed along the production line and regularly inspected and cleaned;
• Ultimate technolgy Safeline metal detector, directly in contact with the product before the final packaging.
Various kind of machinery (such as air separators, destoner, suction systems and many others) are placed to work on the different production lines according to their specific needs, so it is possible to remove every kind of contaminants (dust, earth, hair, stones, glass, hard plastic) usually present in raw materials or origin-processed goods.

Herbs cleaning stage:

The cleaning is carried out through:
• Windshifters and air classification with removal of lint, hair, skins, dust and other light impurities.
• Destoning machine, a machine similar to a densimetric table, which allows the effective removal of “heavy” bodies, typically stones, glass;
• Oscillating sieves, placed along the processing line, to calibrate the product and remove foreign bodies;
• Gaudsmit permanent magnets, regularly inspected and cleaned, installed along the production line to remove metal contaminants.
• Ultimate technology Safeline metal detector, directly in touch with product before the final packaging.
Packaging: The packaging is usually made in 10kg. (preferred in Europe) or 20lb. Kraft bags (preferred in the USA) but can also be tailor-made due to clients’ requirements.