QualIty Assurance

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Our products are completely natural, produced following strict quality measures such as ISO 22000 and HACCP and prepared according to customer's requirements. In line with these methodologies, prior to processing cycle, each product is subjected to chemical and pysical tests (colour, odour, taste, visibility) and according to the microbiological requirements, the product can be steam sterilized or ETO treated. We have adopted ISO 22000 to prevent product contamination by hazardous substances, which now covers chemical and physical hazards as well as the microbiological hazards originally intended. Our factory design mitigates all contamination risks pertaining to materials. We constantly check to avoid the presence of salmonella, pesticides, heavy metals, toxins and adulterants. Only after having assured the quality, approval can be obtained for the products to be used and dispatched. Different grades and types are blended to obtain tailor made herb mixtures according to customer requests. All herbs enter the processing stage and refined to get the premium quality. Every process is carefully checked and tested on a regular basis to achieve consistent excellent quality.